Access Everything a Funding Company Needs

Implement the same exact systems and strategies that took our company from $0 to $300k a month in 8 months, for just $97/month.

Inside You Will Find:

  • Phase 1 - Optimization

    Build Your Online Social Trust & Streamline the Back-end Systems you need to run the business.

  • Phase 2 - Lead Generation

    Learn the CPS Method how to Create ads, Post ads and Scale ads. How to get clients organically and The Funding Closing Secrets on how to get leads to show up & sign up

  • Phase 3 - Funding Fulfillment

    Learn how we manage and track our fulfillment process, data points we know work and connection to our funding team.

Inside You Will Find:

  • Phase 1 - Optimization

    Build Your Online Social Trust & Streamline the Back-end Systems you need to run the business.

  • Phase 2 - Lead Generation

    Learn the CPS Method how to Create ads, Post ads and Scale ads. How to get clients organically and The Funding Closing Secrets on how to get leads to show up & sign up

  • Phase 3 - Funding Fulfillment

    Learn how we manage and track our fulfillment process, data points we know work and connection to our funding team.

Chose Your Subscription Plan:

  • Access to all the information we used to sell for $25,000

  • Templates for ads, funnels, contracts and funding data points

  • Ideal for short-term needs or trial periods

  • Access to 1 live Group Q&A Call with Javi & Clarissa

  • Community of other Credit & Funding Experts

  • Everything in the Starter Plan

  • 3 monthly credit to unlock curriculums faster

  • 7 days money back guarantee

  • + BONUSES:

    1:30 min Onboarding call

    1-1 Interaction w/ Coaches via loom

    Exclusive discounts to join Inner Circle

Here's What Our Clients Accomplished Using Our Methods

Ryan & DALIA

Meet Ryan & Dalia, now Mr. and Mrs. Lind 🫶🏼

5 months ago they were still looking for the perfect business model, they tried them all

✖️ ATMs

✖️ Airbnbs

✖️Renting RVs

✖️Vending Machines

They never had the correct business plan to make it work..

With a solid background in funding, he knew he had the potential to build something great, but he had one problem: no clear direction and goal to hit.

That’s when we came in, we gave them our strategies, training on all departments, and a clear path to success, he just executed.

No excuses.

He didn’t do it alone though, Dalia is more than just a partner in life; she’s intelligent, driven, and shared Ryan’s same vision for the business.

Dalia’s natural talent for client relations and organizational skills complemented Ryan’s sales & funding expertise perfectly.

Together, they truly are a Power Couple 💎

In less then 3 months after joining us they brought in $145k, with a 9k Ad Spend.

For over a year, Ryan had been contemplating a significant life decision. He knew he wanted to propose to Dalia, but he wanted to do it right. He believed that building a stable and successful business was the key to providing the life they both dreamed of.

A Funding Company was that for them, and he finally proposed🥂

"145k Rev& 9k in Ad Spend in 3 months"

"I needed a successful business before proposing"


From a 9-5 to a Profitable Funding Company.

Meet Cam, a former finance worker just like you. He spent his days shuffling millions for big corporations, yet those numbers on paper felt like distant dreams, unattainable for his own financial freedom.

On top of that desire to make those numbers of his own, life got a bit tougher and he was forced on ruining his own credit by defaulting on loans.

That would break most people, but not our Cam. Instead, he dove headfirst into the daunting world of credit repair, devouring every resource available to rebuild his financial foundation.

And guess what? He still wasn't able to get his credit fixed and his life in order, but yet again that didn't stop him from moving forward.

At that point, he understood he needed to delegate it in order to get better result, which introduced him to the credit repair world, and thought he could have made a business out of it.

He invested into mentorships because he values the saving time aspect, but his first choice wasn't the best choice..

Neither for the business model or the mentor.

He made a mistake, AGAIN...

But that didn't stop him, AGAIN!

See a pattern here?

It doesn't matter how many times you fail, as long as you keep pivoting and researching for the right solution.

Cam then found his way to us. but he didn't join right away, in fact it took him 3 months to join us, in the mean time he prepared his finances (saved money and got some business funding for himself) and quit his job the day he joined us.

Joining ATMA was a game-changer for him, here’s a peak behind the curtain at where they were a year ago, and now…

Month 1 -> December 2023: 13,000

Month 4 -> March 2024: 53,000

Month 8 -> August 2024: $95,000

“One thing I realized was what got me here was great but can't get me any further”.

“That's what coaching and training are about. Really be willing to go out there and find people who can help you get to the next level”.

Don't settle for a below average lifestyle, and don't just beilve us listen to him 👇

"The Best Support Hands Down"

"170k Rev & 25k Ad Spend, 6 Months Mark."

"96k Cash & 7k Ad Spend, 8 Months Mark."

John Wyche

John Went From an Airbnb business to Cash Collecting $300k in one single month!

John first came to us looking for funding to grow his new Airbnb business. He had experience in sales and online marketing but had struggled because the product he was selling wasn’t right, so he needed a change.

He thought Airbnb was the solution.

We said: "F*ck that lol, the profit margins won't be there and it won't get you what you actually want, you said you can sell online right?"

An that's how we started working together, we didn’t just help John get the funding— we also helped him start his own funding company. His past experience made it easier for him to see results quickly, and with our proven methods for making offers, closing deals, and fulfilling orders, success soon followed.

You can ask him now if he still thinks about buying Airbnbs or spending more on ads for his funding company—the answer is obvious.

The profit margins he has now are way better than what Airbnb could have offered. In just 8 months, he collected over 1 Million dollars, and in April alone he collected $300k, exceeding even our expectations and setting new benchmarks for growth.

But don't just take our words for it, listen to them 👇

"80k Cash Collected"

"300k Cash Collected"

Andre Lewis

BiG Faith Consulting: Andre from low ticket to high ticket

Andre was hustling hard, but his profits didn't match his effort, and burnout was on the horizon.

" Dear Credit Repair..

.... We all need you, because we all use/ruin our credit.

.... But you take too long, too much work, and pay too low."

Andre finally said the reality of credit repair fro what it is, a good complementary business, but a business that would have never given him to money, time freedom and most importantly impact all us business owners want

But he had misbelief of the business model we preach at ATMA, funny right Misterbigfaith with miss belief?

But that is exactly what happened, he didn't believe people would in fact pay 6-12k to get approved for business funding wether is just credit cards, BLOCs and all these financial products.

To him it made no sense, because it came natural to him, and had interest into trying and getting funding already for free for his friends and family.

That’s exactly where we came in for Andre - we broke down his belief and show him it's possible.

Within a couple of months Andre went from $0 to $30/mo.

Sounds too good to be true?

We’ve been hearing that for years, and yet we’re still here.

Because what we teach creates longevity.

No bandaids.

In Andre's case we had to…

💰Perfected his Offer

💰Set up his funnels

💰Increased lead flow

💰And close more deals

… and we did just that.

But don't just take our word for it, listen to what he has to say 👇

"I finally have the right vehicle that will take me to my goal"

"The only thing this community is missing is YOU"

DePaul Foxworth

Wisdom Consulting: DePaul always made money, but never had a stability on income, being able to track it correctly made all the diffrence

Colin Brown

Colin went from unpredictable return on ad campaigns to consistent ROI

Colin is the type of person, that if you give him an action step plan he’ll follow it, and he’ll implement it fast!

Which is why he has the results he has, with a small team of 3.

Besides the plan and guidance, what he valued most of our program was the community, being able to find a friend and relate to other fellow Funding Business Owners just like him, was what moved the needle most.

And now, he is that for many other of our new clients.

Because that is what ATMA is all about, not just making money and growing a business but create a community with the abundance mindset because there is space for all of us to make money.

Joining ATMA was a game-changer for him, here’s a peak behind the curtain at where they were a year ago, and now…

January 2024 -> $38,000

February 2024 -> $40,500

March 2024 -> $42,000

April 2024 -> $45,000

And YTD Cash collected over $65,000.

“One thing I realized was what got me here was great but can’t get me any further”.

“I’m not that different from everybody else, but people be quitting too quickly, just stick to it and have confidence in yourself.”

“Having someone to talk to that is going though my same struggles was a game changer”

Ariana De La Cruz

Susan Mcausland

Chesdon Lee


Exit Plan: Chesdon went from relying on referrals to having new clients coming straight to him.

Majeed Assaf


Hungry Wolf Blueprint: Majeed went from relying on referrals to having new clients coming straight to him.

Robin Marks


Chris & Sebastian

Wealthy Off Credit: Chris & Sebas went from relying on referrals to having a consistent lead flow

Erica Hill

We Are Bancable: Erica went from relying on referrals to having new clients coming straight to her.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who are Javi & Clarissa again?

Javi is an immigrant from Cuba that came on an actual tiny boat. And Clarissa was born in Italy and came to the states at the age of 18.

We do not come from a money or business background, at all.

Everything we know has been through trial and error and buying a shit ton of information and actually implement it.

What is included in the Funders Community?

Inside the curriculum you will learn:


-Online Authority: this includes how to turn your Social Media Platforms into funnels.

-Backend Systems: all the apps and tool you need to stay organized with your leads.

-Marketing Strategy: winning ads creative and scripts templates, along side with a contemporary marketing strategy.

-Appointment Setting: how to book a call.


-The Perfect Offer: uncover the key elements of a high-converting offer.

-How to Close Leads, learn the psychology behind the Objection Prevention method which allows you to close leads even if you suck at sales.


-How to create. course and what to say

- How to Fulfill Clients, understand the underwriting criteria that gets high limits credit card approvals for you & your clients.

-How to onboard clients

-All 0% credit cards available state by state

Can I use this even if I don't run ads?

You can use organic strategies to close clients, however it's most effecting when you run ads.

Is there any kind of guarantees?

You can't guarantee me you will actually implement everything we say, so no we don't offer guarantees in this program because we don't know your work ethic. But I guarantee you we don't waste our time into creating a product that is not worth it.

What is the expected ROI?

This product it less than a new pair of sneakers, if you close even just one client that's a 200x ROI..
But your success is UP TO YOU! If you don't watch the videos and implement nothing will happen.

What if I need more help?

If you need more help you can upgrade to our higher level program with more 1on1 suppport.

What if I want to cancel the subscription?

You can request a cancellation at any time, all we ask is to submit the form at least 24hrs before you billing date .


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* Earnings and income representations made by Access To Millions Academy, and their advertisers/sponsors are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. These results are not typical and results will vary. The results on this page are OUR results and from years of testing.
We can in NO way guarantee you will get similar results.